Family backpacks provide special leaflets and games which a family can use to tour the Acropolis Museum in search of selected exhibits. Each game has a mascot who guides the children through the Museum, advising, encouraging and, of course, praising them. Families can borrow the backpacks from the Museum Information Desk.

More information can be found at the Acropolis Museum site.

A Day in the Acropolis Museum with the Goddess Athena

The family backpack “A Day in the Acropolis Museum with the Goddess Athena” motivates children aged 6 to 9 years to search for representations of the goddess Athena within the Museum, recognizing her through her symbols. The backpack includes resources which help the children in their search, such as a specially designed children’s map with stickers, cards with information about the goddess, and drawnings or digital representations of her. Furthermore, labels specially designed for children are placed within the Museum, next to the selected exhibits. The children create various compositions with the symbols of Athena, and exercise their memory and observation skills.

The backpack can be associated with the online application “Athena, Goddess of the Acropolis”.

The Parthenon Sculptures

The family backpack “The Parthenon Sculptures” aims to help families explore the rich sculptural decoration of the Parthenon. Kids from 8 years old take a walk inside the Parthenon Gallery, see the sculptures that decorated the temple and with the use of a specially designed map, discover the histories the sculptures depict. During their exploration, kids put stickers on their maps when they recognize a specific exhibit inside the museum. Four colored pouches with games and surprises help children develop their observation, associate the exhibits with their knowledge and experience and have fun. The backpack can be associated with the online application “The Parthenon Frieze”.

Archaic Colours

The “Archaic Colours” family backpack was created in the context of the exhibition programme of the same name at the Acropolis Museum, designed to help children aged from 8 to 11 years imagine how sculptures looked in antiquity with all their colours.

Inside the backpack they find a leaflet with a map of the Archaic Gallery and information about specific sculptures on which, using special cards, they can seek out traces of colour in various spots such as eyes, hair, clothing and jewellery. The backpack also contains a leaflet about the minerals used to produce the paints, coloured pencils for drawing and a domino game using the decorative motifs that adorned the archaic sculptures. The backpack is associated with the online game “Color the Peploforos  Kore” where children can digitally paint the Peplos Kore at home as many times as they wish, in a variety of different colour combinations.

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