This monument built on the west side of the Acropolis is known as the pedestal of Agrippa, based on the inscription preserved on its west face. It has been ascribed to the king of Pergamum Eumenes II (197-158 BC), who commissioned the pedestal at this site after his victory in the Panathenaic Games in 178 BC to support a tethrippon (four-horse chariot) ridden by himself and his brother, the later king Attalus II (159-138 BC). During the 1st c. AD, in the tethrippon was mounted the statue of the general Agrippa, son-in-law of Emperor Octavian, depicted as a charioteer.
The monument consists of the stereobate, a three-stepped crepis, an Attic-Ionic base, and a shaft built in the opus pseudo-isodomum masonry system, while its crown upon which the plinth’s blocks were placed protrudes. The monument is around 9.50m high, including the crepis, and rests on a foundation, the maximum height of which is 4.50m. The shaft is built of greyish-blue Hymettian marble, whereas its base and crown are made of white Pentelic marble. The stereobate is built of larger stones, also of Hymettian marble, in combination with conglomerate used in the monument’s invisible parts.
The pedestal of Agrippa was founded on the existing deposit of the Mnesiclean revetment, almost parallel to the foundation of the north-western wing of the Propylaia, and was adjusted to the extant classical ramp through which access to the Acropolis sanctuary was gained.
In the 14th century, during works aiming to strengthen the Acropolis’ ability to withstand attacks, the bastion was built that connected the pedestal of Agrippa with the tower of the temple of Athena Nike and the SW corner of the north-western wing of the Propylaia, a structure that was further expanded during the Ottman Occupation period. In March 1835, all later structures added to the monument were completely removed. The west side of the monument was repaired when P. Eustratiades served as Ephor of Antiquities (1865), while, in 1914, N. Balanos carried out a more extensive intervention (waterproofing of the crown and filling of the west side with concrete). Small-scale interventions (joint and crack sealing) were undertaken when G. Dontas (1970) held office as Ephor of Antiquities. It should be noted that the monument’s westerly deviation from the vertical plane had been documented already since the late 19th century (Richard Bohn).