The scaffoldings that had been attached on the area B17 of the north wall were dismantled. The works completed involved the restoration of the wall in the area located next to the Propylaea and the foundations of the NW building. The work was conducted within the framework of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020” (NSRF 2014-2020). In this specific area the classical phase of the wall co-exists with subsequent restorations that happened in different periods until modern times.
The area presented serious defects. The various degradation problems of the stones and the loss of a large amount of their mass disorganised the masonry and created large gaps. The goal of the intervention was to treat the extensive defects and also to expose the classical phase of the wall without removing the later restorations. It is easy to distinguish these restorations by comparing the direction of the restoring masonry on the upper part of the area and the direction of the underlying classical phase.
The intervention focused mainly on the middle of the wall height which posed the most serious problems. For the restoration of the area seven new blocks were carved and placed, in parallel, the gaps were filled with stones and mortar, whereas new extensive grouting of the ottoman masonry was carried out in the wider area.