The first phase of the restoration works on the Agrippa monument was completed on July 15, 2022. The monument built in the 2nd century BC on the west of the Propylaia, is not only an important example of Hellenistic architecture located on the Acropolis rock, but also the only characteristic Attalid pedestal in Athens that has remained in its original position. During this phase (July 2021 – July2022), and after conducting the necessary architectural surveying, recording the monument’s pathology (position and width of cracks, distortions, gaps in the masonry), mapping its degradation and preparing a geophysical scanning-investigation in the structure of the monument and its substratum by using Georadars (3D-Radar, Ground Penetration Radar), the works that had to be carried out included the following: rescuing conservation works on the surface of the monument (cleaning, consolidation of fragments ready to fall, replacement of older fillings in areas where the grout joins had widened or cracks had been formed) and also works focusing on restoring ineffective older interventions, such as the replacement of oxidated clamps with new ones made of titanium and the replacement of the material of the existing sealing on the upper base of the crown.
In the meantime, on March 29, 2022 the Acropolis Restoration Service contracted out the preparation of the structural study “Permanent measures for the consolidation of the Agrippa Monument on the Acropolis of Athens”, whose implementation will take place during the 2nd phase of the restoration works on the monument and after everything will have been approved by the relevant decision making bodies. What is also needed for the preparation of the above-mentioned study, apart from the documentation data the Service has made available, are the results of the geotechnical research investigating the geotechnical characteristics of the artificial fillings and the rocky substratum of the monument, which was contracted by the Athens Ephorate of Antiquates and completed in June 2022.